Amanda Greavette is a figurative oil painter. She is well-known for ‘The Birth Project’, a series of paintings depicting women, birth and motherhood.
Amanda has loved representing the human figure since she was introduced to life drawing while taking a class with her mother. While Amanda primarily paints people, she does occasionally enjoy landscape and other subjects. Amanda accepts commissions, often of children and babies.

The Birth Project

These life-size paintings represent the real and symbolic nature of birth as a holistic experience and have been exhibited at galleries and conferences around North America. Amanda develops the paintings based on births that she’s attended or experienced, as well as from photo submissions. Because of this ‘community involvement’, the series becomes a collective experience, creatively and expressively telling women’s stories as they’re experienced every day. While Amanda paints birth because she loves it, she feels there is a social need for images of birth and motherhood. She hopes The Birth Project can inspire confidence and possibility in women, as well as portray their experiences in a real and tangible way. The paintings fill a visual void in birth culture. They are part of a dialogue and movement that creates change for childbearing women, raises public awareness of issues surrounding birth and promotes a positive and empowering image of childbirth and motherhood.

more about Amanda…

Amanda Greavette lives and works in Ontario, Canada. She studied at the Ontario College of Art and Design (2004) and has exhibited in many solo and group shows. Amanda is a La Leche League leader and a founding member of one of the few midwifery advocacy consumer groups in Ontario. Her work is based on years of personal lived experience with the subjects she represents, and the shared experience of peers. Amanda has 5 children and is raising them in a partial straw-bale off-grid rural home.