The Mother House Studios Is the first and only Artists Studio model with Integrated Childcare, where children are welcome into the workspace

The Mother House Studios are a creative solution to a proven lack of viable provision that sufficiently supports professional artists during pregnancy and motherhood.

The model adapts existing venues to combine inspiring, flexible and affordable workspace for artists and integrated childcare.

The Mother House Studios create:

– A studio space for professional art practices in the form of an open art studio. The space is organised in assigned sections that fit the needs of artists working in different mediums and forms

– Quiet spaces for desk working and meetings, outdoor and social spaces.

– A child-dedicated space interconnected with the working space. This space houses activities organised specifically for children, guided and supervised by a dedicated team.

Motherhouse’s approach was built on observations regarding childcare provision:

– Childcare remains under-funded and scarce

– Childcare models are invariably based on separating child from mother; mother from care and child from the workplace

– Childcare is costly and not suited to families and women with flexible work and/or low incomes

After three pilot projects (2016-2018), the model has secured the first public funding from Mayor of London, Lewisham Council, Esmee Fairbairn Foundation, Nat de Gerrers among other 200 backers via a Spacehive Campaign.

The first permanent Mother House studio will be launched in Catford October 2021.

The sustainability established by the first opening of the Mother House in Catford will free up Procreate Project Directors to continue leading on the development of a Tool Kit to facilitate the national and international roll-out of the model.

Apply for a desk in Catford

“One of the most innovative civic initiatives in London in 2018”. “The Mother House Studios has the potential to inspire step change in various sectors and the project will have a much bigger impact if spread around the city​.” – Sadiq Khan Mayor of London