Procreate Project News and opportunities

Mother Art Prize 2022 Winners and Show finalists

Mother Art Prize 2022, the only international open call for self-identifying women and non-binary visual artists who are mothers

Violet Costello ‘Bringing Home Baby’ at Richard Saltoun

‘Bringing Home Baby’ is an online presentation by Violet COSTELLO with Richard Saltoun Gallery website

Mother Art Prize Exhibition 2020 Cromwell Place

Procreate Project Mother Art Prize 2020 Exhibition Cromwell Place

Procreate Project – New Commissions 2020 Announcement

Procreate Project new commissions 2020 for artist mothers announcement

Procreate Project New team Members

We are excited to welcome Mary Cork and Bianca Chu to the Procreate Project team

Procreate Project – Sales Consultant Opportunity

Procreate Project is hiring! We are looking for an Art Sales Consultant to join our team

Procreate Project for its community

Mother Art Prize 2020, the only international open call for self-identifying women and non-binary visual artists who are mothers

Mother Art Prize 2020 Winner and Show finalists

Mother Art Prize 2020, the only international open call for self-identifying women and non-binary visual artists who are mothers

Mother Art Prize catalogue 2018 Introduction

Call for entries for visual artists Mother Art Prize 2018

Meet the team

Nothing found.

Nothing found.

M.A.M.A. Issue n.54 Mathilde Jansen words by Lisa DeSiro

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the 54th edition of this scholarly discourse intersects with the artistic to explore the wonder and the challenges of (m)otherhood.

M.A.M.A. Issue n.53

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the 50th edition of this scholarly discourse intersects with the artistic to explore the wonder and the challenges of (m)otherhood.

M.A.M.A. Issue n.52 – SLQS

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the 50th edition of this scholarly discourse intersects with the artistic to explore the wonder and the challenges of (m)otherhood.

M.A.M.A. Issue n.51 – Clara Aldén

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the 50th edition of this scholarly discourse intersects with the artistic to explore the wonder and the challenges of (m)otherhood.

M.A.M.A. Issue n.50 – Martha Joy Rose and Helen Hiebert

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the 50th edition of this scholarly discourse intersects with the artistic to explore the wonder and the challenges of (m)otherhood.

M.A.M.A. Issue n.49 – Thatiana Cardoso and Lisa DeSiro

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the 44th edition of this scholarly discourse intersects with the artistic to explore the wonder and the challenges of motherhood.

M.A.M.A. Issue n.48 – Galit Criden

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the 44th edition of this scholarly discourse intersects with the artistic to explore the wonder and the challenges of motherhood.

M.A.M.A. Issue n.47 – Henny Burnett and Sarah Freligh

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the 44th edition of this scholarly discourse intersects with the artistic to explore the wonder and the challenges of motherhood.

M.A.M.A. Issue n.46 – Dr Christina Kolaiti and Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the 44th edition of this scholarly discourse intersects with the artistic to explore the wonder and the challenges of motherhood.

M.A.M.A. Issue n.45 – Rubiane Maia

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the 44th edition of this scholarly discourse intersects with the artistic to explore the wonder and the challenges of motherhood.

M.A.M.A. Issue n.54 Mathilde Jansen words by Lisa DeSiro

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the 54th edition of this scholarly discourse intersects with the artistic to explore the wonder and the challenges of (m)otherhood.

Mother Art Prize 2022 Winners and Show finalists

Mother Art Prize 2022, the only international open call for self-identifying women and non-binary visual artists who are mothers

M.A.M.A. Issue n.53

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the 50th edition of this scholarly discourse intersects with the artistic to explore the wonder and the challenges of (m)otherhood.

M.A.M.A. Issue n.52 – SLQS

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the 50th edition of this scholarly discourse intersects with the artistic to explore the wonder and the challenges of (m)otherhood.

M.A.M.A. Issue n.51 – Clara Aldén

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the 50th edition of this scholarly discourse intersects with the artistic to explore the wonder and the challenges of (m)otherhood.

M.A.M.A. Issue n.50 – Martha Joy Rose and Helen Hiebert

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the 50th edition of this scholarly discourse intersects with the artistic to explore the wonder and the challenges of (m)otherhood.

M.A.M.A. Issue n.49 – Thatiana Cardoso and Lisa DeSiro

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the 44th edition of this scholarly discourse intersects with the artistic to explore the wonder and the challenges of motherhood.

M.A.M.A. Issue n.48 – Galit Criden

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the 44th edition of this scholarly discourse intersects with the artistic to explore the wonder and the challenges of motherhood.

M.A.M.A. Issue n.47 – Henny Burnett and Sarah Freligh

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the 44th edition of this scholarly discourse intersects with the artistic to explore the wonder and the challenges of motherhood.

M.A.M.A. Issue n.46 – Dr Christina Kolaiti and Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the 44th edition of this scholarly discourse intersects with the artistic to explore the wonder and the challenges of motherhood.

Nothing found.

Mother Art Prize 2022 Winners and Show finalists

Mother Art Prize 2022, the only international open call for self-identifying women and non-binary…

Violet Costello ‘Bringing Home Baby’ at Richard Saltoun

‘Bringing Home Baby’ is an online presentation by Violet COSTELLO with Richard Saltoun Gallery…

Mother Art Prize Exhibition 2020 Cromwell Place

Procreate Project Mother Art Prize 2020 Exhibition Cromwell Place

Procreate Project – New Commissions 2020 Announcement

Procreate Project new commissions 2020 for artist mothers announcement

Procreate Project New team Members

We are excited to welcome Mary Cork and Bianca Chu to the Procreate Project team

Procreate Project – Sales Consultant Opportunity

Procreate Project is hiring! We are looking for an Art Sales Consultant to join our team

Procreate Project for its community

Mother Art Prize 2020, the only international open call for self-identifying women and non-binary…

Mother Art Prize 2020 Winner and Show finalists

Mother Art Prize 2020, the only international open call for self-identifying women and non-binary…

Mother Art Prize catalogue 2018 Introduction

Call for entries for visual artists Mother Art Prize 2018

Meet the team

Mother Art Prize 2018 – Winner and art show shortlisted artists

Winner of Mother Art Prize 2018 and shortlisted artists for art prize show at Mimosa House

Procreate Project online shop launch

To further ensure professional development of contemporary artists with caring responsibilities,…

Childhood memories by Mother Art Prize winner Mary Martins

Winner of the first Mother Art Prize, Mary Martins, have just finished her residency at the Mother…

The Mother House is opening at the White House in Dagenham

Procreate Project is partnering with Create London for the opening of a new artists studio with…

Mother Art Prize Winner and Left Overs Selected Artists

Mother art prize winner and Left Overs selected artists

The Art Of Birth Summit 2016

The Art of Birth and how to prevent birth traumas


A free session to introduce a new dance based workshop for pregnant women. The workshop is open to…

Procreate Project – New commissions Call Out

Procreate Project is offering 10 new paid commissions to UK based artists

Oxytocin Mothering the World 2020 Call for Performances

Call for entries for visual artists Mother Art Prize 2018

Mother Art Prize 2020

Mother Art Prize 2020, the only international open call for self-identifying women and non-binary…

Mother Art Prize 2018 Call for entries

Call for entries for visual artists Mother Art Prize 2018

Motherhood, Loss and the First World War

To further ensure professional development of contemporary artists with caring responsibilities,…

Creative Mothers Programme/GPS Embroidery by Lizzie Philps

“GPS Embroidery” is a project which takes mothering arts practices beyond the domestic sphere by…

Call for art – Online shop art and publications by artists who are mothers

Call for artists. Procreate Project is launching a new platform for the promotion and dissemination…

Open Call for creative mothers – GPS Embroidery With Lizzie Philps

Call for artists - A unique opportunity for creative mothers to work with artist Lizzie Philps to…

Procreate Project is Hiring for Mother House studio Dagenham

Procreate Project is seeking early years educators for the Mother House studio in Dagenham

Left Overs: Open call for entries and Mother Art Prize

Left Overs - Call for entries for visual and performing artists and new Art Prize for Artist…

Procreate Project is Hiring

Procreate Project is seeking early years educators for the Mother House studio space

Open Call Live Art and performances – Oxytocin

Call for live art and performances - Oxytocin, Birthing the world symposium and programme of…

Open Call for Papers – The Procreate Project publication

Call for Papers for new online and in print publication on maternal, feminism, body representation,…

JourMs, Call for papers

ProCreate supports JourMs, The journal publishes interdisciplinary scholarship on mothers,…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.54 Mathilde Jansen words by Lisa DeSiro

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.53

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.52 – SLQS

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.51 – Clara Aldén

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.50 – Martha Joy Rose and Helen Hiebert

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.49 – Thatiana Cardoso and Lisa DeSiro

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.48 – Galit Criden

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.47 – Henny Burnett and Sarah Freligh

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.46 – Dr Christina Kolaiti and Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.45 – Rubiane Maia

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.44 – Alexis Soul-Gray and Iris Jamahl Dunkle

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.43 – María Linares and Margie Shaheed

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.42: Afrooist and Wendy Carolina Franco

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.41: Michele Landel and Ann E. Wallace

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.40: Anna Perach and Jane Yolen

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.39: Jessica Lauren Elizabeth Taylor and Kimberly L. Becker

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.38: Casey Jenkins and Amy Watkins

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.37: Tereza Buskova and Caitlin Grace McDonnell

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.36: Csilla Klenyánszki

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.35: Natalie Ramus and Katie Manning

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.34: Charlotte Morrison and Kristin Roedell

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.33: Kate Walters and Eve Packer

The ProCreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.32: Sophia Marinkov Jones and Sherine Elise Gilmour

The ProCreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.31: Marketa Senkyrik and Robin Silbergleid

The ProCreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.30: Ching Ching Cheng and Jennifer Stewart Fueston

The ProCreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.29: Saskia Saunders and Martha Joy Rose

The ProCreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.28: Rajaa Paixão and Gwen North Reiss

The problem remains: I have no maps and little training—the trail littered with roots and misplaced…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.27: Carol Brunelli and L.B. Williams

Working the Night Shift String a white sheet from the body of trees in the wild, set a lantern…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.26: Melissa Thomas and Megan Merchant

Working the Night Shift String a white sheet from the body of trees in the wild, set a lantern…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.25: Anna Hughes and Elise Gregory

The problem remains: I have no maps and little training—the trail littered with roots and misplaced…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.24: Elisabeth Schön and Judy Swann

I threw rose petals on the ground and her pink slippers slid on that silky surface, the Muse, when…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.23: Jane Glennie and Sarah Goshal

Reading texts through this position, from within the paradigm of motherhood, seems to be…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.22: Martha Joy Rose

I am interested in exploring my body is a site of production and reproduction.

M.A.M.A. Issue n.21: Aga Gasiniak and Laura Sloan Patterson

My creativity is a journey. My work is very intuitive and symbolic. I tell stories through my…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.20: Christen Clifford and Karen Malpede

My daughter’s childhood was spent around the collective, women-dominated antinuclear and peace…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.19: Megan Wynne and Susan Vespoli

I am interested in the complex psychology of intimate human relationships, and the multifaceted and…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.18: Alex March

Alex March is a London based artist originally from the North of England working with drawing,…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.17: Beth Grossman and Nadia Colburn

Each inch I grew marked a promise: my present physical certainty, my approaching release. And,…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.16: Minna Dubin and Judy Kronenfeld

Praise falling into the guest bed, exhausted, with granddad, exhausted, who ran repeatedly to the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.15: Anna Hultin and Samina Najmi

The man seems kind, if remote, as virginal as she is, and they spend the night telling the stories…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.14: Dagmara Bilon and Gabriella Burman

Without fail, each week, she does this, and without fail, each week, her father and I admonish her…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.13: Sophie Starzenski and Deborah L. Blicher

We speak different languages, but as far as I can tell, he hates me. The boy, whose name in Misha,…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.12: Stephanie Feuer and Rachel Fallon

Weapons of Maternal Destruction Spoke and Rupture – things done and undone; in what moment does…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.11: Sarah Irvin and Anelie Crighton

One day my husband caught a glimpse of me dressing and said in wonder, ‘You look beautiful.’ I…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.10: Beth Goobic and Nancy Cook

I am planning the perfect tattoo. Where to have it applied is not in question: It is going to cover…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.9: Ruchika Wason Singh and Kristin Procter

She slips off her track pants and wiggles back into her sexuality. In front of the full length…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.8: Cynthia Patton and Sarah Nicolls

It’s hard to watch your child struggle, especially when there’s nothing to do but wait. At six…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.7: Sandra Ramos O’Briant and Nusa Pavko

My son’s in college now, and I still look pregnant. But I carry an image of myself that defies…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.6: Autumn Stephens and Sabrina Mahfouz

For sex he wakes her, laying a hand on some round part. It’s too early—she’s set the alarm for a…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.5: Margaret Rapp and Louise Camrass

I hate the word “bi”. Like in I am the mother of a biracial child. I keep expecting to see a child…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.4: Becky Tipper and Lynn Lu

I bring it to my tongue – this food that my own body has made – and it tastes of what it is like to…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.54 Mathilde Jansen words by Lisa DeSiro

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

Mother Art Prize 2022 Winners and Show finalists

Mother Art Prize 2022, the only international open call for self-identifying women and non-binary…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.53

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.52 – SLQS

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.51 – Clara Aldén

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.50 – Martha Joy Rose and Helen Hiebert

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.49 – Thatiana Cardoso and Lisa DeSiro

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.48 – Galit Criden

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.47 – Henny Burnett and Sarah Freligh

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.46 – Dr Christina Kolaiti and Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.45 – Rubiane Maia

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.44 – Alexis Soul-Gray and Iris Jamahl Dunkle

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.43 – María Linares and Margie Shaheed

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

Violet Costello ‘Bringing Home Baby’ at Richard Saltoun

‘Bringing Home Baby’ is an online presentation by Violet COSTELLO with Richard Saltoun Gallery…

Mother Art Prize Exhibition 2020 Cromwell Place

Procreate Project Mother Art Prize 2020 Exhibition Cromwell Place

Procreate Project – New Commissions 2020 Announcement

Procreate Project new commissions 2020 for artist mothers announcement

M.A.M.A. Issue n.42: Afrooist and Wendy Carolina Franco

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

Procreate Project New team Members

We are excited to welcome Mary Cork and Bianca Chu to the Procreate Project team

Procreate Project – New commissions Call Out

Procreate Project is offering 10 new paid commissions to UK based artists

Procreate Project – Sales Consultant Opportunity

Procreate Project is hiring! We are looking for an Art Sales Consultant to join our team

Procreate Project for its community

Mother Art Prize 2020, the only international open call for self-identifying women and non-binary…

Mother Art Prize 2020 Winner and Show finalists

Mother Art Prize 2020, the only international open call for self-identifying women and non-binary…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.41: Michele Landel and Ann E. Wallace

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

Mother Art Prize catalogue 2018 Introduction

Call for entries for visual artists Mother Art Prize 2018

Meet the team

M.A.M.A. Issue n.40: Anna Perach and Jane Yolen

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

Oxytocin Mothering the World 2020 Call for Performances

Call for entries for visual artists Mother Art Prize 2018

M.A.M.A. Issue n.39: Jessica Lauren Elizabeth Taylor and Kimberly L. Becker

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.38: Casey Jenkins and Amy Watkins

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.37: Tereza Buskova and Caitlin Grace McDonnell

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

Mother Art Prize 2020

Mother Art Prize 2020, the only international open call for self-identifying women and non-binary…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.36: Csilla Klenyánszki

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.35: Natalie Ramus and Katie Manning

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

Mother Art Prize 2018 – Winner and art show shortlisted artists

Winner of Mother Art Prize 2018 and shortlisted artists for art prize show at Mimosa House

Mother Art Prize 2018 Call for entries

Call for entries for visual artists Mother Art Prize 2018

M.A.M.A. Issue n.34: Charlotte Morrison and Kristin Roedell

The Procreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

Motherhood, Loss and the First World War

To further ensure professional development of contemporary artists with caring responsibilities,…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.33: Kate Walters and Eve Packer

The ProCreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

Procreate Project online shop launch

To further ensure professional development of contemporary artists with caring responsibilities,…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.32: Sophia Marinkov Jones and Sherine Elise Gilmour

The ProCreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.31: Marketa Senkyrik and Robin Silbergleid

The ProCreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.30: Ching Ching Cheng and Jennifer Stewart Fueston

The ProCreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.29: Saskia Saunders and Martha Joy Rose

The ProCreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the…

The mothers of the maternal activism in arts and academy: Matilda Leyser

For the past 20 years incredible women have worked to facilitate other women/mother’s artistic…

The mothers of the maternal activism in arts and academy: Amy Dignam

For the past 20 years incredible women have worked to facilitate other women/mother’s artistic…

The mothers of the maternal activism in arts and academy: Mila Oshin

For the past 20 years incredible women have worked to facilitate other women/mother’s artistic…

Creative Mothers Programme/GPS Embroidery by Lizzie Philps

“GPS Embroidery” is a project which takes mothering arts practices beyond the domestic sphere by…

Childhood memories by Mother Art Prize winner Mary Martins

Winner of the first Mother Art Prize, Mary Martins, have just finished her residency at the Mother…

Call for art – Online shop art and publications by artists who are mothers

Call for artists. Procreate Project is launching a new platform for the promotion and dissemination…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.28: Rajaa Paixão and Gwen North Reiss

The problem remains: I have no maps and little training—the trail littered with roots and misplaced…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.27: Carol Brunelli and L.B. Williams

Working the Night Shift String a white sheet from the body of trees in the wild, set a lantern…

Open Call for creative mothers – GPS Embroidery With Lizzie Philps

Call for artists - A unique opportunity for creative mothers to work with artist Lizzie Philps to…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.26: Melissa Thomas and Megan Merchant

Working the Night Shift String a white sheet from the body of trees in the wild, set a lantern…

The Mother House is opening at the White House in Dagenham

Procreate Project is partnering with Create London for the opening of a new artists studio with…

Mothernist II: Representation and Maintenance of Mothers’ Art by Dyana Gravina

Mothernist II: Representation and Maintenance of Mothers' Art by Dyana Gravina

M.A.M.A. Issue n.25: Anna Hughes and Elise Gregory

The problem remains: I have no maps and little training—the trail littered with roots and misplaced…

Procreate Project is Hiring for Mother House studio Dagenham

Procreate Project is seeking early years educators for the Mother House studio in Dagenham

M.A.M.A. Issue n.24: Elisabeth Schön and Judy Swann

I threw rose petals on the ground and her pink slippers slid on that silky surface, the Muse, when…

Mother Art Prize Winner and Left Overs Selected Artists

Mother art prize winner and Left Overs selected artists

Left Overs: Open call for entries and Mother Art Prize

Left Overs - Call for entries for visual and performing artists and new Art Prize for Artist…

Procreate Project is Hiring

Procreate Project is seeking early years educators for the Mother House studio space

Open Call Live Art and performances – Oxytocin

Call for live art and performances - Oxytocin, Birthing the world symposium and programme of…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.23: Jane Glennie and Sarah Goshal

Reading texts through this position, from within the paradigm of motherhood, seems to be…

Open Call for Papers – The Procreate Project publication

Call for Papers for new online and in print publication on maternal, feminism, body representation,…

The Art Of Birth Summit 2016

The Art of Birth and how to prevent birth traumas

M.A.M.A. Issue n.22: Martha Joy Rose

I am interested in exploring my body is a site of production and reproduction.

M.A.M.A. Issue n.21: Aga Gasiniak and Laura Sloan Patterson

My creativity is a journey. My work is very intuitive and symbolic. I tell stories through my…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.20: Christen Clifford and Karen Malpede

My daughter’s childhood was spent around the collective, women-dominated antinuclear and peace…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.19: Megan Wynne and Susan Vespoli

I am interested in the complex psychology of intimate human relationships, and the multifaceted and…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.18: Alex March

Alex March is a London based artist originally from the North of England working with drawing,…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.17: Beth Grossman and Nadia Colburn

Each inch I grew marked a promise: my present physical certainty, my approaching release. And,…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.16: Minna Dubin and Judy Kronenfeld

Praise falling into the guest bed, exhausted, with granddad, exhausted, who ran repeatedly to the…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.15: Anna Hultin and Samina Najmi

The man seems kind, if remote, as virginal as she is, and they spend the night telling the stories…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.14: Dagmara Bilon and Gabriella Burman

Without fail, each week, she does this, and without fail, each week, her father and I admonish her…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.13: Sophie Starzenski and Deborah L. Blicher

We speak different languages, but as far as I can tell, he hates me. The boy, whose name in Misha,…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.12: Stephanie Feuer and Rachel Fallon

Weapons of Maternal Destruction Spoke and Rupture – things done and undone; in what moment does…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.11: Sarah Irvin and Anelie Crighton

One day my husband caught a glimpse of me dressing and said in wonder, ‘You look beautiful.’ I…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.10: Beth Goobic and Nancy Cook

I am planning the perfect tattoo. Where to have it applied is not in question: It is going to cover…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.9: Ruchika Wason Singh and Kristin Procter

She slips off her track pants and wiggles back into her sexuality. In front of the full length…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.8: Cynthia Patton and Sarah Nicolls

It’s hard to watch your child struggle, especially when there’s nothing to do but wait. At six…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.7: Sandra Ramos O’Briant and Nusa Pavko

My son’s in college now, and I still look pregnant. But I carry an image of myself that defies…

Claire Griffy – Pregnancy Landscape

Claire Griffy is a psychotherapist practicing in Austin, Texas. She works with women, couples, and…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.6: Autumn Stephens and Sabrina Mahfouz

For sex he wakes her, laying a hand on some round part. It’s too early—she’s set the alarm for a…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.5: Margaret Rapp and Louise Camrass

I hate the word “bi”. Like in I am the mother of a biracial child. I keep expecting to see a child…

M.A.M.A. Issue n.4: Becky Tipper and Lynn Lu

I bring it to my tongue – this food that my own body has made – and it tastes of what it is like to…

The Rainbow Way: cultivating creativity in the midst of motherhood

Many women have asked me why I focus on the creative mother, rather than creative women, or even…

JourMs, Call for papers

ProCreate supports JourMs, The journal publishes interdisciplinary scholarship on mothers,…

Pregnancy softened my boundaries to understand creativity

Artistic director and actress Elisa Terren’s pregnancy reminded her of the importance of debating…


A free session to introduce a new dance based workshop for pregnant women. The workshop is open to…

Kerry Stammers – the nesting instinct in pregnancy and the rediscovery of creative ‘playtime’

Her pregnancy reminded her to reopen and rediscover new possibilities in life. She started to let…

Polly Penrose – “It feels like I’m hammering my body into the landscape”

Claire Hickey woman behind award winning art work “Gravidus” tells us her story about how her work…

Claire Hickey – “I was becoming strong in the feeling that after I had my baby I was still going to be an artist”

Claire Hickey woman behind award winning art work “Gravidus” tells us her story about how her work…

Rosaria Gracia – “Human beings are too complex to only do one thing, and it is ok to diversify…”

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean…

Fiona Harper – I feel very productive in my writing presently

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean…

The mothers of the maternal activism in arts and academy: Matilda Leyser

For the past 20 years incredible women have worked to facilitate other women/mother’s artistic…

The mothers of the maternal activism in arts and academy: Amy Dignam

For the past 20 years incredible women have worked to facilitate other women/mother’s artistic…

The mothers of the maternal activism in arts and academy: Mila Oshin

For the past 20 years incredible women have worked to facilitate other women/mother’s artistic…

Mothernist II: Representation and Maintenance of Mothers’ Art by Dyana Gravina

Mothernist II: Representation and Maintenance of Mothers' Art by Dyana Gravina

Claire Griffy – Pregnancy Landscape

Claire Griffy is a psychotherapist practicing in Austin, Texas. She works with women, couples, and…

The Rainbow Way: cultivating creativity in the midst of motherhood

Many women have asked me why I focus on the creative mother, rather than creative women, or even…

Pregnancy softened my boundaries to understand creativity

Artistic director and actress Elisa Terren’s pregnancy reminded her of the importance of debating…

Kerry Stammers – the nesting instinct in pregnancy and the rediscovery of creative ‘playtime’

Her pregnancy reminded her to reopen and rediscover new possibilities in life. She started to let…

Polly Penrose – “It feels like I’m hammering my body into the landscape”

Claire Hickey woman behind award winning art work “Gravidus” tells us her story about how her work…

Claire Hickey – “I was becoming strong in the feeling that after I had my baby I was still going to be an artist”

Claire Hickey woman behind award winning art work “Gravidus” tells us her story about how her work…

Rosaria Gracia – “Human beings are too complex to only do one thing, and it is ok to diversify…”

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean…

Fiona Harper – I feel very productive in my writing presently

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean…

Senza Categoria

Mother Art Prize 2022 Winners and Show finalists

Mother Art Prize 2022, the only international open call for self-identifying women and non-binary visual artists who are mothers

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Violet Costello ‘Bringing Home Baby’ at Richard Saltoun

‘Bringing Home Baby’ is an online presentation by Violet COSTELLO with Richard Saltoun Gallery website

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Mother Art Prize Exhibition 2020 Cromwell Place

Procreate Project Mother Art Prize 2020 Exhibition Cromwell Place

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Procreate Project – New Commissions 2020 Announcement

Procreate Project new commissions 2020 for artist mothers announcement

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Procreate Project New team Members

We are excited to welcome Mary Cork and Bianca Chu to the Procreate Project team

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Procreate Project – Sales Consultant Opportunity

Procreate Project is hiring! We are looking for an Art Sales Consultant to join our team

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Procreate Project for its community

Mother Art Prize 2020, the only international open call for self-identifying women and non-binary visual artists who are mothers

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Mother Art Prize 2020 Winner and Show finalists

Mother Art Prize 2020, the only international open call for self-identifying women and non-binary visual artists who are mothers

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Mother Art Prize catalogue 2018 Introduction

Call for entries for visual artists Mother Art Prize 2018

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Mother Art Prize 2018 – Winner and art show shortlisted artists

Winner of Mother Art Prize 2018 and shortlisted artists for art prize show at Mimosa House

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Procreate Project online shop launch

To further ensure professional development of contemporary artists with caring responsibilities, the Procreate Project online shop will promote and sell original artworks , prints and publications by contemporary artists who are mothers

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Childhood memories by Mother Art Prize winner Mary Martins

Winner of the first Mother Art Prize, Mary Martins, have just finished her residency at the Mother House studio in Dagenham as part of her awards.
Here is an insight on what she has been working on and what are her plans for the future.

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The Mother House is opening at the White House in Dagenham

Procreate Project is partnering with Create London for the opening of a new artists studio with integrated childcare in Dagenham

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Mother Art Prize Winner and Left Overs Selected Artists

Mother art prize winner and Left Overs selected artists

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The Art Of Birth Summit 2016

The Art of Birth and how to prevent birth traumas

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A free session to introduce a new dance based workshop for pregnant women.
The workshop is open to anyone expecting, wanting to explore and experience movement in a different way.
We will delve into the blossoming interdependent relationship between the mother and the baby and how this generates undiscovered powerful and creative energies.The workshop will take place at the Liz Atkinson Children Centre (Brixton)

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