Procreate Project is a pioneering arts organisation driven by an ethos that strives for innovation and sociocultural impact

Our main aim is to support the professional development of contemporary artists who are also (m)others, working across disciplines

What we do and believe in

We believe that mothering is one of the main catalyst points for the decreasing
presence of primary care givers in the arts.

We create radical models and infrastructures that suit this experience and create systemic change.

More about us

Hannah Cooke 'Ada vs. Emin' Video, 2018

Platforms and models

We are dedicated to producing bold, interdisciplinary projects, embracing the risk necessary to achieve a sea change in the perception and normalisation of (m)others’s artistic output as part of the cultural landscape.

Past and present platforms


We create platforms for the promotion and dissemination of original artworks, prints and publication made by and about mothers/parents.

Our new approaches and platforms also aim to drive the attention of the wider UK and international public to a broad-spectrum of universal themes that have traditionally been overlooked and devalued

See the shop

What’s happening

The Mother Art Prize Open call 2022 is Open!

Read our newsletter