A live growing archive featuring international artists who are mothers/parents

Always at the back of the feminist discourse and the socio-cultural attention, we want to create a space for history and recognition.

The project started in 2015 with the collaboration of artist Lara Gonzales [madenadpublished]. It launched at the Women’s Art Library with an empowering exhibition celebrating the art of motherhood, featuring 130 international Mother-Artists.

The challenge of the exhibition was to display an unrestricted number of internationally submitted artworks, creating a site specific installation that manages to showcase all of the contributing artists.

The Zines has been exhibited at Goldsmiths University and South bank University London, Lace Gallery Nottingham, Manhattan College New York City [2015/16.17]

With the aim to create a democratic archive we have created a digital collection of printable posters of works made by contemporary artists who are mothers/parents. This space was thought for womxn to re-occupy public spaces and in response to the isolation and invisibility of unpaid care work.

The archive creates a different, and urgent new history or art of the 21st century onwards and an important tool for new generations to access.

Visit the Archive