Oxytocin is an interdisciplinary event about mothers and carers that uniquely combines a bold programme of performances and live art with discussion panels and workshops.
For its third edition in 2023, Oxytocin aims to create an arts, health & community-driven programme to evaluate the effectiveness of LGBTQIA+, BIPOC and disabled patients’ care, and the cultural sensitivity of primary care providers, administrators and staff in maternity services within interdisciplinary contexts.
Themes will be explored through performance works and discussions, including the challenges facing disabled people becoming parents, gender and reproductive politics and identities, racism and discrimination.
Oxytocin contributes to the artistic development of ground-breaking and under-represented practitioners in the UK, creates a platform for the commission of new works and raises the profile of contemporary artists, give them representation and encourages their personal and public radical expression while developing new contexts, dialogues, and audiences.
Oxytocin first edition was organised at the Royal College of Art in June 2017. The second iteration of the project took place in March 2019 at the King's College London Guy's Campus in collaboration with the Birth Rites Collection.
The third edition of Oxytocin, Collective Care will be hosted at Middlesex University and the Science Gallery on Saturday 13th and 20th of May 2023. the full programme will be announced soon.

The mix of speakers, performances and installations was incredible – I am not from an arts background and it challenged me to explore new ways of expressing and discussing aspects of maternity
This event is supported by the National Lottery Arts Council England
Partners and supporters for the 3 editions:
Royal College of Art, Cuntemporary, Live Art Development Agency, King’s College London, Middlesex University, Science Gallery