Matylda Augustynek
Poland, UK – Sculpture
Vagina Bra 1, 2018
Patinated Bronze Sculpture on a Black Granite Base
16 x 12 x 11 cm
granite base: 13.5 x 13.5 x 13.5 cm
Vagina Bra was made from the artist’s desire to create whilst sitting breast-feeding her child. She cut a defunct bra to create a vagina-shaped slash. She then developed the idea into three distinct sculptural works using three slashed bra cups, some with their straps still attached. By casting the bras, no longer of use since the change that occurred since giving birth, the artist has converted the everyday into an object that has acquired both beauty and value.

Vagina Bra 2, 2018
Patinated Bronze on White Granite Base
16 x 12 x 11 cm
granite base: 11 x 11 x 11 cm

Motherhood has enabled me to develop my practice and to diversify from my previous classical media of wood and stone carving into film, photography and the use of my body, to explore the experience of woman, artist and mother in the 21st century. Whilst pregnant I found relevance in the work of the feminist artists of the 1970’s and 80’s which led to my growing awareness of the loss of women’s creative role in the human story. My role as artist-mother has provided me with the opportunity to bring this sidelined part of humanity to the fore of the art canon and of social dialog with a profundity I feel it deserves.
Two Sides, 2018
Painted Plaster and Textile Sculpture
26 x 36 x 15 cm
Body calls out for the child when away from them and the mind strains to adapt to the frustration and boredom when caring for them; the dichotomy between love of the child and the need to create.
Artist Bio:
Born in Krakow, Poland in 1993. Matylda studied at Jozef Kluza State Secondary School of Visual Arts, an acclaimed vocational school specializing in art and design. She continued her education at UAL and became a mother in the last year of studies. She gained a BA in 2017.