Procreate Project is inviting visual artists and live art performers to respond to the theme of ´Left Overs’ – What is left of our sanity, bodies, sexuality, time and identities when mothering? What remains unused or unconsumed? How do left overs feed creativity?
For the occasion , Procreate Project is happy to announce the first Procreate Project ‘Mother Art’ Prize 2017 (Visual Art). This new prize is available to win for artists who are mothers, to support mother-artists and provide them with a platform to showcase their work. The prize is aimed at artists working in one or more of the following media: drawing, printing, painting, photography, digital art, sculpture installation and video.
The Award Winner will receive:
- 1 Month residency at the next Mother House’s opening 2018 (this covers Childcare and Art Studio for 1 artist and 1 child)
- £200 cash prize
- Up to 5 pieces of work exhibited at the Left Overs Show, within Filia Conference 2017
- 1 year online Membership with Procreate Project (See weblink for Membership benefits:
- 1 free mentoring session (1to 1 or Skype) with Sylvie Gormezano, Director at Picture this productions and Chair of the Association of Women Art Dealers (AWAD)
- 1 free ticket to Oxytocin: Mothering the World 2018 (dates TBC)
*All entrants will be promoted on our social media pages
*Shortlisted Artists will be exhibited in London as part of ‘Left Overs’ show and will be awarded with 1 year PCP online membership
*1 Winners receive cash prizes, residencies opportunities, mentoring and exhibitions in London
The jury panel is composed by Sue Ecclestone (Ecclestone Art Agency), Jess De Zilva (Visual Artist), Sylvie Gormezano (AWAD – Picture This Productions), Nora Weller (ARTUM on Art Cultural Heritage), Rose Gibbs (Visual Artist and Activist) and Sue Spaull (Art Academy).
Open for entries now, the extended deadline is Sunday 24 of September at midnight. The entry fee is £10 for up to 3 works. They should be framed unless the work lends itself to being frameless. (PayPal This fee does not apply to performances proposal.
Fees will not be refunded if applicants are not chosen for the finalist exhibition, however a selection of 25 applications will be featured in our online catalogue for the prize.
Entry Procedure for Visual Art:
Please label all JPEG Image files as follows: Artwork Title_First & Last Name_Media_Dimensions
Submit completed signed T&C and entry form, entry fee payment, and artwork images only by email to High-resolution JPEG images only; files must not exceed 1.5MB.
Entry fees are non-refundable. Submission of the works does not guarantee being selected for the exhibition. Entry fee doesn’t apply to entries for live art and performances contributions.
Conditions: Any artists who are mothers with children of any age, mothers-to-be and grandmothers.
Acceptable media:
Visual Art (drawing, printing, painting, photography, digital art, sculpture installation and video), live art and short performances which respond to ´Left Overs’.
“Please note we cannot guarantee that
videos will be included in the Left Overs exhibition at FiLiA due to the
practicalities of the room that we are curating.”
Visual art: All artworks are first juried by digital photograph. All media and dimensions are acceptable for submission. One photo per 2-D artwork. May submit up to three photos for 3-D work.
Sales of Visual Art:
Please consider that the price submitted is the retail price. Procreate Project CIC retains 40% of the retail price on all works sold of which 10% will be donated to FILIA.
Entry procedure for Live art and short performances: One page PDF proposal with description of performances with photos and videos weblinks.
Left Overs is curated by: Artist and producer Sarah Dufayard and Art Historian and curator Sue Ecclestone
Follow these links for more information: