The Journal of Mother Studies was founded as a thesis project by Martha Joy Rose at CUNY, The Graduate Center (2015). The journal publishes interdisciplinary scholarship on mothers, mothering, and motherhood as broadly construed.
Call for Papers begins Sept. 1, 2015
Interpreting a Theory of M/otherness: Exploring and Defining Mother Studies in the Academy: Mother Studies is an interdisciplinary field that examines m/other (“me” and “otherness”) interpretations and experiences of procreation, caregiving, and relational theory as navigated within social and cultural constructions. How shall we identify and define this new and emerging field of Mother Studies? What are its key elements, and how do different disciplines organize themselves in and around the notion of m/otherness; the connected and disconnected state? What would do theories of m/otherness look like? If you are already teaching motherhood or mothering, from what perspective or discipline do you approach the work? Why should Mother Studies be its own discipline and what theories define it? For example, is Mother Studies the logical stepchild of Gender and Sexuality Studies, and is m/otherness a state we can all recognize and expand upon? In this issue we hope to examine three new specific ideas:
- Mother and Father Studies; what are they, and how do we define, theorize, and teach them? How would an academic journal contribute to the canons of the field, thus solidifying them as their own unique and important disciplines?
- M/otherness; the notion of relationship. The mother status particularly and father status peripherally are always in relationship to self and other within a variety of circumstances. This is determined by the making/dividing, connection/disconnection status of procreation, adoption, surrogacy and caregiving, and its long-term transformational nature.
- Motheristing; a perspective inspired by “feminist” notions and the website “feministing.” What is the language specific to m/motherness (see * below for a more detailed explanation of m/otherness, or otherness as it relates to procreators)?
Anyone may submit a paper but articles must be of a scholarly nature, and should be 15-20 pages (maximum 4,000 words) including references. Many of our authors are published writers with popular books. Journalistic papers are encouraged. We value intellectual accessibility as much as we value research and rigor. JourMS aims to cultivate a wide readership with authors who can relay meaningful information, while addressing important issues, in order to establish JourMS as the preeminent contributor of content in the field of Mother Studies. All text should be in APA style and submitted in Word Doc. Submissions accepted by SocMS members or students enrolled in Mother Studies classes within the last 6 months please. You must be a member to submit.