Ingrid Berthon-Moine
London, UK / France – Painting
Wank, 2020
27.5 x 35.5 cm
Comiiiiiiiiiiiing, 2020
27.5 x 35.5 cm
£400 Each
Berthon-Moine uses the body as a playground to toy with gender identity and sexuality. Although her drawings are abstract, a strong bodily imagery emerges with flowery genitals, leaky breast, hairy bits and pulsating tendrils. The drawings can be humorous, sad, crude or tender and they reflect lived experiences through bodily sensations.

Multitasking, 2019
27.5 x 35.5 cm

Falling From Grace, 2018
27.5 x 35.5 cm

Pink, 2020
27.5 x 35.5 cm
A more figurative aspect emerges with the development of characters who are often drawn after responding to political and societal events. LaLi, a contraction of the slogan ‘Lack it, Like it’, is one of them. She is a female character with attitude: standing up, hands on hips, tits pointing proudly like defensive elephant tusks, she spreads her legs wide, pees standing up and likes to have a good time.

Bridging Body Bits, 2018
27.5 x 35.5 cm
£500 (Framed)
Ingrid’s watercolours find a resonance with her sculptural work. Paintings and sculptures offer an ongoing conversation as the 2D and 3D works speak a same language of shapes and colours but the later offers veiny, bumpy and tactile materials reminiscent of the human body. They often speak about detumescence as Berthon-Moine’s aim is to deflate the phallus. Long way to go.

Artist’s Bio:
Ingrid Berthon-Moine is a French visual artist based in London. Her work uses sculpture and painting as a way to examine the construction of identity and its behavioural consequences in our society. She graduated from a Master of Fine Art at Goldsmiths University in London in 2017. In 2020, she created the online project ‘I Lack it, I Like it’ where she interviews womxn, who work in various fields of the artistic and creative industries, on their notion of lack. Berthon-Moine has exhibited in various group shows at venues including Stadtmuseum München, Germany (2019), Världskultur Museerna, Sweden (2018), Espace Temoin, Geneva, Switzerland (2018), Kelder Projects, London (solo show, 2018) and the ICA, London (2015).